Thursday, March 19, 2015

Suicide: The Broken Contract (part 2 of 2)

There are a few exceptions where the soul does not have to come back into a physical life and repeat the lessons cut short by the act of suicide.   It is my knowledge that each suicide experience is observed and in some cases if it is decided among you, your Spirit Guides, and God that the lesson has been learned you will not repeat the course.  This usually occurs in a few scenarios.

1) Euthanasia in the way of relieving pain in a terminal illness.

This would be a person who is terminal and has lived life and is at the end of their path in the present incarnation.  Pain is something that we all experience at different levels.  We choose to feel pain so that we may learn from the vibration and take the experience to our Soul Group and God on the other side so that we may all gain from the knowledge.  Sometimes when placing together the experiences in our Spiritual Contract pre-entry we get a little over zealous and our passionate inbox of experiences can cause a lot of feelings that are hard for the physical body to transition through.  We write Spiritual Contracts with excitement and we choose interpretations of experiences that we haven't lived before so we don't know exactly how those experiences will feel or how our body will react.  Suicide will not be treated the same in a situation where the person is experiencing unbearable pain while suffering from a terminal illness.  The suicide will be evaluated but a complete repeat of the life terminated will not be the case. 

2) Repeated suicide (from life to life to life).

This is when a soul has continued to repeat the suicide pattern in more than a few life times.  Spirit wants all of us to succeed in our lessons here on earth.  If a soul keeps breaking it's Spiritual Contract  our Spirit Guides, Soul Group, and God will reassess the issues and move the soul on to another lesson that's less intense.  The soul will eventually have to go back and experience a similar lesson but not until their Spirit Guides, Soul Group, and God believe the soul to be mature enough follow through with out contractual compromise.

Suicide is a broken contract not just with ourselves but in our agreements with other souls incarnated in that physical life, our Spirit family, and God.  Just as a child's parents don't disown them when they make a bad grade on their spelling test God and the Spirit family on the other side don't send a compromised soul to hell or eternal damnation because they didn't finish their original plans.  God and their spirit family will lift the soul up, heal, and love the compromised part of that essence.  With this encouragement and love the soul will try again and 99.9 percent of the time succeed with the most beautiful success.  

If suicide has touched you, a friend, or a family member know this... God loves all of us.  There is no condition to the love God gives us.  We are all experiencing this life together with more support than you can imagine.  God has a plan for all of us and the final out come is unconditional love.  Have peace in knowing that you and everyone you love will once again be together one day regardless of how we exit the physical world.

Peace and Love,

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide go to the link below. There are people who can help.

or call: 1-800-273-TALK 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Suicide: A Broken Contract (Part 1 of 2)

As a psychic-medium I see people every week that have lost loved ones to a number of variables from cancer, tragic accidents, heart disease, SIDS, old age etc.  One of these variables that has exposed itself frequently over the last few years is suicide.  In doing so Spirit has taught me the truth about this "way out" and enlightened me to the reality of what happens when a soul decides to cut their contract short by committing the act of suicide.  The spiritual information gifted to me has not only given me faith that God is all loving but has blessed me with a direct line of consciousness in helping family and friends of suicide participants know that when their loved ones crossed over they were greeted with unconditional love and acceptance.  I would like to share with you my spiritual awareness in the area of suicide.

When we as a soul decide to incarnate on the physical plane we meet with our Spirit Guides, Soul Group, and God. In doing so we place together a life curriculum.  Upon finishing an energetic outline for our physical life we sign off on it (energetically speaking) forming a Spiritual Contract.  It's the soul's version of going to school.  There are many classes, numerous grades, and countless lessons to experience before we cycle off or in layman's terms graduate.

Earth is one of the most difficult places for souls to incarnate.  Souls incarnate on earth because on the "other side" a life on this physical level is one of the fastest ways to raise spiritual awareness and increase essence vibration. It doesn't mean life on earth will make the soul better. Life on the earth plane is more intense and the lessons learned are emotionally concentrated. When the soul incarnates and starts working through life on the physical plane there are a combination of emotions that don't exist on the "other side". Those include pain, guilt, inadequacy, shame, and doubt, etc... There are souls that cannot deal with these low frequencies even though they may have written them into their contract to attain spiritual growth so they look for what they feel is an alternative solution or "way out" ...suicide.

There are a number of reasons why someone feels the need to end their life prematurely.  Whatever the reason may be my hope is that people know once the deed of suicide has been initiated the soul does not burn up in the depths of hell.  Suicide is a breach of contract but it's not a decision made by an individual that leads their soul to eternal damnation.  A soul will experience a number of physical life times so that it's essence may continue to evolve and raise it's source vibration.  We are talking up to and sometimes over a thousand life times per life cycle and many of us will want to experience several cycles.  Think of each life time as a course or class to accrue credits to attain a degree in a certain field or career.  Think of each life cycle as all of those courses and credits adding up to a degree in that major. There is no logical sense that God would send a soul to eternal damnation and punish the soul because the soul didn't do it's best in one class or course.  It takes a myriad of classes in several different subjects to complete an entire degree.  A soul will however learn the subject eventually to attain that credit.  It is not an easy way out.  The act of suicide almost always doubles or triples the work for the soul in the lesson they have chosen and like all courses needed to graduate this course must be repeated with a few exceptions.

The very first thing that happens when a person commits the act of suicide is the same thing that happens when anyone dies.  They cross over to the other side.  They will be greeted by their Spirit Guides and the unconditional love from their family members on the other side.  Unlike souls that cross over from their contractual death souls that prematurely end their Spiritual Contract with a physical life are taken to a place of rest.  When they arrive at this place of rest they are infused with the vibration of love and peace. The soul is then placed into a trance state while wrapped in an energetic tube of white light.  The soul will rest here and be tended to by caretaker souls who have experience in healing souls that have committed suicide.   A majority of these caretaker souls have at one time committed the act of suicide.  The caretakers in the place of rest have overcome the experience of suicide and are now healers for souls who are in need of their love and knowledge.  Here the soul can stay for a period of as little as a few months or as long as a few hundred years.  The fragment of the soul in the place of rest is being fed nothing but unconditional love and acceptance until they are ready to face incarnation again and retake the course they prematurely withdrew from.

Everyone's soul is fragmented.  Your entire soul is not plugged into your body on earth.  You have a portion of your soul that stays on the other side when you incarnate and begin a physical life.  The part of your soul that stays behind is called your higher-self.  While the fragment of your soul that is in the place of rest is being healed and recharged another fragment of your soul is working hard to re orchestrate events, goals, and relationships in the life that was cut short.  This takes a lot of energy and work.

Example: Bob is 32.  He is supposed to meet and marry Gwen and have three children, a house, and a dog.  Bob has all of this written into his spiritual contract.  Bob also wrote into his contract drug addiction and a bad break up at 21.  At 21 Bob goes through a break up and uses some drugs and gets depressed and decides to give up on life because he's misunderstood and commits suicide. 

Now Bob is on the other side.  He has been greeted by his Spirit Guides and family and taken to the place of rest.  A fragment of his soul and his Spirit Guides will help find another suitable mate for Gwen whom with she will marry, have 3 kids, a house and a dog.  Bob's relationship with Gwen was written into her contract in the form of an agreement. Bob has to continue to fulfill the agreement even if he's not physically in place to do so by finding a replacement for Gwen.  In Gwen's soul Contract she decided to be in an agreement with Bob on the other side before they entered a physical life.  Since Gwen didn't end her contract prematurely Bob's soul has to find a replacement so that she may continue her course and stay on her spiritual path.  The broken contract will now take more energy for Bob's soul to repair than it would have if he worked through the course and earned the credit.  Now Bob has to find replacements for all the places he played a role in Gwen's contract and numerous other soul contracts and agreements that are continuing current life paths in the Spiritual Contract that was broken.

When the soul that has committed suicide heals they will get ready to enter into another Spiritual Contract that will almost mirror the contract that was broken.   The soul will meet with their Spirit Guides, Soul Group, and God. Together they will work out a plan to encourage the soul not to break the Spiritual Contract this time around.  When the incarnated soul gets to the same point of contractual compromise as before Angels and Spirit Guides are sent in to help push them through the low point.  Once the incarnated soul gets past the vibration of the suicide the soul will move on. In my interactions with Spirit they say suicide usually doesn't happen more than a few times per life cycle.  The goal is to learn and raise the vibration of essence ultimately not repeat the same lesson over and over.

Peace and Love,

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide go to the link below. There are people who can help.

or call: 1-800-273-TALK